Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Self, justified

I pray not to anyone, but myself,
I bow down to none, but my conscience.
I stand sans morals, outcast, abject
My hand at work, my brain at rest.

Debauch, I turn; to love, I forget
Mechanically to and fro, my limb vibrates
Organ I fondle, orgasm I seek,
Eyes half-closed; of malice, I reek.

The hour of love has long since passed,
The draught of pure emotion, flushed,
Still, my inertia-struck, addicted muscle,
Conforming to nothing, keeps up the jostle.

Still, I do what I do not without sanction,
What inner broodings be when pure is action?
Self-infliction, anyway, is but no crime,
Who, pray, except in thought, do I malign? 

Does clandestine thought add up to more
Than visible, palpable acts of offense?
Doesn’t outward goodness demand corruption
of innards and thoughts and mental abomination?

A question to all who shirk with deprecation,
Isn’t life all about dark, veiled obsessions?
Don’t all of us, inside our scaly shells,
Mask long-forgotten relics of our shady selves?